[SR-Users] WebRTC meeting Norfolk, 15 October 2014
Daniel Pocock
2014-09-10 19:22:49 UTC
I'll be in Norfolk, VA for xTupleCon in October

On 15 October, there will be two events for WebRTC:

14:15 a talk about the xTuple WebRTC extension at xTupleCon
- must register for xTupleCon to attend this

17:30 a technical / developer workshop at xTuple's offices
- free, anybody welcome, even if not attending xTupleCon,
RSVP through Eventbrite[1]

Please see my blog[2] for more comments about all of this and feel free
to email me in advance if you have questions about it or if you may like
to meet up there.


2. http://danielpocock.com/xtuplecon-webrtc-talk-schedule-change
