[SR-Users] How to add route header
Senthil K
2014-09-02 10:57:01 UTC
Hi All,

Kindly check my issue and please provide me your suggestions.

In my requirement, I want to add a route header to the INVITE message which is sent out from the Kamailio server,

Basically I will be making a call and that INVITE will reach the Kamailio, then the Kamailio will send the INVITE to another node, here at this situation when the Kamailio is sending the INVITE to the next node, I want to add a route header in INVITE.

Please let me know how can I hard code a route header to the outgoing INVITE from Kamailio server,

Kindly help me

Kind Regards
Alex Balashov
2014-09-02 10:59:53 UTC

You can add headers using the insert_hf() / append_hf() functions.

However, you should be aware that UACs generate the Route set. Kamailio
is a proxy. You do not need to add a Route header in order to have
Kamailio send a request to another Kamailio instance or proxy, or to a
UAS. You can simply t_relay() it there after manipulating the domain of
the request URI ($ru ($rd)) or the destination set ($du ($dd)).

-- Alex
Post by Senthil K
Hi All,
Kindly check my issue and please provide me your suggestions.
In my requirement, I want to add a route header to the INVITE message
which is sent out from the Kamailio server,
Basically I will be making a call and that INVITE will reach the
Kamailio, then the Kamailio will send the INVITE to another node, here
at this situation when the Kamailio is sending the INVITE to the next
node, I want to add a route header in INVITE.
Please let me know how can I hard code a route header to the outgoing
INVITE from Kamailio server,
Kindly help me
Kind Regards
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.alexbalashov.com/

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